Let’s face it: anything that could satisfy our sweet tooth isn’t going to be considered healthy at all – and that’s for one simple reason sugar! But the thing is, there are now a lot of low-sugar or even sugar-free options that you can choose from and they actually include beneficial nutrients like protein or fiber.

So here are some of the guilt-free ways to indulge your sweet tooth.

Guilt-free treats to satisfy your sweet tooth

Dark Chocolate

The health benefits of consuming dark chocolate have been circulating for quite a while already, but it’s still good news especially to all chocolate lovers out there.

Dark chocolate is loaded with these three powerful antioxidants – flavonoids, polyphenols, and tannins. Out of these, tannin is the most important due to its antimicrobial property.

In addition, it also prevents bacteria from sticking to the surface of your teeth.

Take note that when choosing your chocolate, not any chocolate bar will do. Dark chocolates consist of at least 70% cacao.

Such percentage is recommended because it contains much less fat and sugar than normal chocolate.

Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry

If the bitter taste of dark chocolate is not your thing and you want to add a little punch to it, try eating it with another healthy food like strawberries.

Melt dark chocolate and allow it to cool for a bit. Dip your fresh strawberries into it then refrigerate until the chocolate hardens.

Choco-Banana Ice Cream

Ice cream lovers would surely love this healthy version of their favorite sweet treat.

Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

Start by melting a cup of dark chocolate, then allowing it to cool at room temperature.

Get 2-3 bananas then peel and slice them into small pieces. Put them into a blender and process until smooth.

Add in the melted chocolate and process again until thoroughly combined. Adjust sweetness by adding some honey.

Transfer to a container with a lid then put back in the freezer. Allow it to freeze for at least an hour before serving.

Yogurt Parfait

Greek yogurt is one of your best and healthiest options you can indulge if you want a sweet treat.

Plain or vanilla-flavored yogurt will do. Yogurt may contain some sugar, but it is also loaded with proteins to keep you full for longer.

Get a cup of this yummy goodie then top it with nuts, fruits, or granola. Make it even yummier by putting dark chocolate shavings on top.

Fruit Popsicle’s

Another refreshing way to satisfy your sweet tooth is to make a fruit Popsicle from your favorite fruits.

Watermelon, peaches, and berries are just some of the options that will make great pops.

Put your chunks of your preferred fruit into a blender or food processor.

Add some lime juice, apple juice, and honey to sweeten. Process until smooth, then pour into Popsicle molds. Freeze for a few hours before serving.

Although these treats are healthy and practically guilt-free, you must still consume them in moderation.

And after eating, it is still advised to brush your teeth or at least follow it up with a good swish of water until you have the chance to brush.

It is also recommended to visit your dentist for regular checkups and professional cleaning.

Anyway, you can always reward yourself with a nice delightful treat after your visit.