Accelerated orthodontics dentistry is a relatively new approach in Orthodontic Dental Services that works in pretty much the same way as your traditional braces but requires much less time to produce the desired tooth movement. This new form of treatment is becoming increasingly popular in adults. As it promises to straighten teeth in just a couple of months instead of several years with regular orthodontics.

If you have crooked teeth and are suffering from the difficult consequence of such, then this speedier way of straightening your teeth may very well be the solution youโ€™re looking for. Find out more about this treatment below.

What does accelerated orthodontics mean?

Duration of Treatment

Traditional Orthodontic Dental Services requires a patient to wear braces for at least two years. With accelerated orthodontics, however, this period is shortened to as little as three months to a maximum of eight months. The end result is just the same โ€“ you get a perfect smile and an overall improved dental health.

Dental Braces:

Just like traditional orthodontics, accelerated orthodontics also makes use of braces to force the teeth to shift into their desired position. There are three types of orthodontic braces โ€“ metal, ceramic, and lingual. Anyone of these may be utilized in accelerated Orthodontic Dental Services.

Metal and ceramic braces tend to work better than lingual braces. Ceramic braces are not as esthetic as lingual braces, but it isnโ€™t as noticeable as metal braces either.

Surgery Required:

While it has the upper hand when it comes to treatment duration, the main disadvantage of accelerated orthodontics is that it may require some minor surgical procedure. The surgery may be performed by the orthodontist himself, an oral surgeon, or a periodontist (a gum specialist). It is usually done in a clinic setting, about a week after the braces are installed. It involves altering the bone and gum tissue that supports the teeth to be moved. Such alteration decreases the amount of supporting bone, thus allowing the teeth to shift into their desired positions more quickly.

The surgery is done under local anesthesia and causes just about the same level of discomfort as your typical dental cleaning. Some patients report an itching sensation because of the faster movement of the teeth.


Once your teeth are in their desired alignment, youโ€™ll also be required to use a retainer to prevent the teeth from moving back to their pre-treatment position.

Orthodontic Dental Services Treatment Cost:

This is because of the surgery required to produce faster tooth movement. Expect the price to be at least $2,000. This already includes the fee for the periodontist who will perform the surgery.

Unfortunately, most insurance companies do not cover accelerated Orthodontic Dental Services, but there are orthodontists who offer flexible payment terms.

To sum it up, accelerated orthodontics is a very promising option if you want to have your teeth straightened yet you dread the idea of wearing braces for several years.

To learn more about this treatment and find out if you are suitable for it, consult your orthodontist now for proper assessment.